Marcelo Guerra

Software and Hardware Developer

I love technology. I started as an electronic engineer and now I’m a full-stack developer, software development instructor and content creator. My aim is to solve real-life problems with technology and processes.

Some things I enjoyed doing


This Portfolio Website

Vue 3TypescriptTailwindVite


Wordpress Plugin - Dashboard Organizer

TailwindTypescriptVue 3ViteWordpressPestJest


Node.js Package - RDAP Client



Node.js Package - Whois Client



Assets Geolocation App

TypescriptVue 3ViteOpenstreetMapLeaflets


Video Conferencing App

WebRTCSocket.IOPeerJSVue 3Vite


IPMed - Medical Records

Vue 3TailwindViteLaravelInertia


Website - André Ortiz



  • 2017

    CTO & Developer @ Likker

    for 7 years(current)
    We are a small company in Brazil helping entrepreneurs to launch their products and services online. I actually hold the technical vision and all technical decisions to ensure the delivery of true value to our customers. I also keep myself up-to-date to new technologies and build a lot of small prototypes and MVPs analyzing new ways to innovate and reduce corporate risks.
  • 2014

    Freelance developer

    for 6 years
    Tons of thinking, planning and code to solve a lot of problems. From company websites and small webapps to some hardware embedded code. I developed in Swift, Javascript, PHP and C++.
  • 2004

    Project Management, Consulting and Tech Expert

    for 10 years
    I currently hold a PMP certification and I have more than 10 years of experience managing hardware, software, IT and security projects. Some of my tech expertise fields are electronics systems design, software development, logic and physical security and data analysis.

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